Wednesday, 26 February 2014

GrappleThon auction - Thank you Meerkatsu!

I just wanted to say a special thanks to Seymour Yang (aka the wonderfully talented Meerkatsu) for donating some of his highly popular BJJ apparel. Meerkatsu is a fellow BJJ practitioner, talented artist, blogger and gi reviewer. I highly recommend his website and blog . All of these items will be auctioned off on the day and all proceeds will go to Kidscape!

If any other BJJ/fight companies would like to donate anything for the auction please get in contact. It’s really appreciated and proceeds are going to a great cause.

Thank you!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Congrats Spence!

Congratulations to Spencer Hewitt with his win at Cage Warriors!

For info about Origin MMA Academy see

Friday, 14 February 2014

Thanks to all who have donated, its really appreciated.
I have now created an independent JustGiving team page for the event so anyone participating in the GrappleThon, who don't wish to use the Origin MMA Academy page can now link their page directly to it. Please note the charity must be Kidscape.

If anyone wants to create their own JustGiving page and link to the new team page simply click on "join the team" here:

If any of this doesn't make sense please get in contact.


Monday, 3 February 2014

The Kidscape JustGiving page has been up and running for over a week now and we have already raised over £100! Thank you to all those who have donated, it’s really much appreciated.

Also special thanks to Can (aka Slideyfoot) for advertising our GrappleThon on his much viewed website - . I highly recommend this website for anyone looking to run their own grapplethon and indeed it has been a tremendous resource for me. Coincidentally Can’s team; Artemis BJJ are also running a grapplethon on the same day in Bristol. They will be rolling for a dreaded 24 hours – good luck guys!  

I’m still looking for grapplers, so if anyone wants to get involved please comment/get in touch.